Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Be quiet please

I am what many would call an introvert. I love being home alone and doing whatever I want but that's an concern when there are people about the house all of the time. I think it's going to drive me up the wall.

I get the most done if I am unaccompanied at home in the quiet. Lately there has always been someone around in the house and I am having trouble getting anything done because there is constantly some sort of noise.

I'm going to have to purchase myself a laptop so that I can work outside of the house. Even though I will be surrounded by people, I will still in a sense be alone since I won't be aware of who anyone is. The laptop that I use nowadays is such a pain in the butt because it doesn't work unless it is plugged in. So basically that simply makes it a really small desktop computer.

Anyhow getting back to the loud home I live in. I hate the sounds of countless televisions all over the place. Yes, I love television too but I don't see why they have to be on all day long. I only ever turn my tv on if I would like to watch an episode of a show I love, or if I am going to watch a movie. I don't see why it needs to be on all day blasting even when I am not using it. No one iny my house feels like this and it makes me wacky.

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